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ERforResearch 4.0.0

  • (!!!) switch from rjags to runjags for get_mcmc_samples().
  • all function and documentations were updated due to the change to runjags.
  • (!!!) important naming changes to align all package-communications: from application to proposal, voter to assessor and section to panel.
  • colored points in plot_er_distribution().


  • added an option in the ER plotting function to allow for not having the PM, and skipping it in the plot

ERforResearch 3.1.1

  • added an option in the ER plotting function to allow for not having the PM, and skipping it in the plot
  • documentation updates

ERforResearch 3.1.0

  • documentation updates
  • added parameter rhat_threshold in get_mcmc_samples() to allow the user to change the threshold used to decide whether the chains converged.
  • added option maximal_testing in mcmc function
  • add a default continuous model with a nine point scale
  • added na.rm = TRUE whenever max(rhat) calculated


  • nothing to add

ERforResearch 3.0.0

Include Reviewer comments:

  • changed name of get_inits_overdispersed_two_chains() to get_inits_overdispersed_four_chains() and implemented the new default of four chains with different RNGs.
  • get_mcmc_samples() function defaulted to four chains with four different samplers and fixed (random but dependent on seed) starting values.
  • updated the test of get_mcmc_samples() function:
    • changed Rhat threshold to 1.01 instead of 1.1
    • update the updating loop (the multiplier of n.adapt, burnin and iterations)
  • the get_max_rhat() function was deleted
  • added option to compute effective sample size and MCMC error in get_mcmc_sample()
  • the default variables in get_mcmc_sample() were changed to being able to sample from all the models discussed in the paper (Heyard et al (2021)), with the default model
  • rankability computation etc was deleted an documentation of get_er_from_jags() updated

ERforResearch 2.0.0

  • add max_iter option in get_er_form_jags()
  • new option to not add the rank based on pm in the get_er_from_jags() function
  • fix get_mcmc_samples()
  • added maximum number of iterations to get_mcmc_samples()
  • update get_sankey_plot_br()
  • added get_sankey_plot_br() function
  • get_mcmc_samples() now tests whether chains converge, if not, the adaptation, burnin and iteration phases are increases.

ERforResearch 1.0.0

  • get_mcmc_samples() now tests whether chains converge, if not, the adaptation, burnin and iteration phases are increases.
  • all functions were adapted accordingly
  • possibility to add overdispersed initial values in get_mcmc_samples()
  • functions for convergence diagnostic: get_inits_overdispersed_two_chains() and get_max_rhat()
  • default model can now also have an ordinal outcome variable and a heterogenous residual structure


  • allow model to account for heterogenous residuals

